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Kids Social Skills Workshop

Practice makes... progress...

Give your child Kids Social Skills (KiSS) for the confidence to start school with the social skills and tools he needs to have a successful year. 

* Does your child need help with social skills?

* Does he/she know how to make new friends or ask questions?

* Is your child sensitive to other's feelings? 


Join us for an 8-week workshop where we learn how to make friends, how to talk and listen, and understand social cues so we're school​ ready!


     For more information please call Carla Perl at 914.391.8949 or click the link below.

8 Week Workshop

Materials Included

In person workshop for groups of 6 - 8 students


3 Locations: 

Or create a custom pod of your own at a location convenient for you!

*Payment due by start date


Activities include:

What are Social Skills?

*Making Friends

*In school Behavior

*Lego building


​and much more!​

Pound Ridge, NY
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Custom Pod
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North Salem, NY
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Please contact Slumberland Solutions for further information and to discuss your family's challenges and needs.

Contact Info

Tel: 914-391-8949 


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© 2024 by Slumberland Solutions

Carla Perl
Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant
  Certified Positive Encouragement Educator


The information/advice provided during this consultation is not medical advice. Reliance on the advice is solely at your own risk. The advice is for informational purposes only and is intended for use with common sleep issues that are unrelated to medical conditions. The information provided is not intended nor is implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or the health and welfare of your baby, and before following the advice or using the techniques offered in this consultation. Also, it is always best to follow sleep recommendations according to the SIDS campaign. In no event will Carla Perl or Slumberland Solutions be liable to you for any claims, losses, injury or damages as a result of reliance on the information provided.

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