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Kids Social Skills Workshop
Practice makes... progress...
Give your child Kids Social Skills (KiSS) for the confidence to start school with the social skills and tools he needs to have a successful year.
* Does your child need help with social skills?
* Does he/she know how to make new friends or ask questions?
* Is your child sensitive to other's feelings?
Join us for an 8-week workshop where we learn how to make friends, how to talk and listen, and understand social cues so we're school​ ready!
For more information please call Carla Perl at 914.391.8949 or click the link below.
8 Week Workshop
Materials Included
In person workshop for groups of 6 - 8 students
3 Locations:
Or create a custom pod of your own at a location convenient for you!
*Payment due by start date
Activities include:
What are Social Skills?
*Making Friends
*In school Behavior
*Lego building
​and much more!​
Pound Ridge, NY

Custom Pod

North Salem, NY

Please contact Slumberland Solutions for further information and to discuss your family's challenges and needs.