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About Me
My Story

I am the mom of three beautiful children: two boys and one girl. I had my children very close together, and I realized early on that sleep was key to a smooth-running household (and my sanity). So I was very diligent about instilling good sleep habits in my children. Nana, my mom, inspired me to create early bedtime routines and follow consistent schedules. To this day, my kids are all good sleepers and understand the benefits of a good night's sleep.
As my family was growing, many of my friends would ask me how I was able to keep everything under control. I quickly realized that because I had such a consistent routine, my children always knew what was coming next, and bath time and bedtime struggles were few and far between. As my friends looked on, I started offering them support; helping them establish routines and giving them recommendations. This has led to my interest in becoming a Pediatric Sleep Consultant and the birth of Slumberland Solutions.
I am here to help YOU and your family create a loving and happy bedtime routine.
Sweet Dreams,
Carla Perl
Slumberland Solutions

My Training

Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant
Certified Positive Encouragement Educator
My Philosophy

I believe a child can never be spoiled by too much love. My philosophy is that a child should be comforted when upset and responded to within a reasonable amount of time. I also firmly believe in giving a baby and a child routines and boundaries. This is especially important at bedtime. Bedtime should be a happy and fun experience for you and your child. Neither of you should be dreading this time of day; you should all be anticipating the routine for “night’s beginning” and "day's end".