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Creating loving and happy bedtime routines.
Teaching good sleep habits can lead to bedtime bliss! At Slumberland Solutions, we help families look at bedtime routines as night’s beginning, rather than day’s end. The result? Children who are happy, loving and secure in the going-to-bed process.
Our tested approach alleviates bedtime struggles and helps your child anticipate bedtime and sleep routines that are stress-free, enjoyable and fun.

My name is Carla Perl

I'm a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant & Certified Positive Encouragement Educator and mom of three beautiful children: two boys and one girl. I had my children very close together, and I realized early on that sleep was key to a smooth-running household (and my sanity). So I was very diligent about instilling good sleep habits in my children. Nana, my mom, inspired me to create early bedtime routines and follow consistent schedules. To this day, my kids are all good sleepers and understand the benefits of a good night's sleep.
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